Vote for Midwife Leonie Lieb!

Leonie Lieb is running for federal elections – for a world without borders, war and exploitation! Find out more about our socialist and anti-capitalist program and get involved.
Who is Leonie?
Leonie Lieb (29) is a midwife at a clinic in Munich. As a socialist healthcare worker, she fights for the rights of women and queers. Together with Gesundheit4Palestine (Healthcare4Palestine), she protested against the destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system during the genocide. Als a member of the trade union ver.di, she mobilizes at her workplace for the strikes for the TVöD (public sector union contract).
As a feminist socialist, she is a member of the Revolutionary Internationalist Organization (RIO), which publishes Klasse Gegen Klasse.
Together with her colleagues, Leonie fought against the closure of the delivery room where she works in Neuperlach. The SPD, the Greens, and the Left Party broke their promise and voted to close the maternity ward, despite protests by the midwives and the people of Munich. Now she remains active in struggles against cuts and closures, and supports other workers in their struggles.
14 Proposals for an Anti-capitalist and Socialist Alternative
1. The bosses can go — we still stay! If companies threaten closure, workers must take them over.
2. Block weapons shipments! No to German rearmament. NATO and Russia out of Ukraine.
3. Voting and residency rights for everyone! Tear down Fortress Europe and stop deportations.
4. Smash AfD and Co! Block their party conferences. Self-defense against Nazis.
5. Stop the genocide! Freedom for Palestine. No arms shipments to Israel.
6. Hands off our bodies! Fully legalize abortion. Defend Pride parades.
7. Expropriate the billionaires! Use their billions to fund social services as well as better wages and pensions.
8. Expropriate corporate landlords! Rents shouldn’t be a source of profit.
9. A four-day workweek for everyone! End unemployment and shortages of skilled labor.
10. Healthcare and education instead of profits! Workers should control all public services.
11. Free public transit, no private jets! Ecological planning to stop the climate catastrophe.
12. Disarm the police! Dissolve the domestic intelligence agency. Only we can protect us.
13. Politicians should earn no more than nurses! Abolish the privileges of political elites.
14. For a workers’ government! Democratic planning of the economy instead of capitalist exploitation.
Therefore: Vote for Leonie!
Find our full election program in German here.
Vote for Leonie and Get Active!
Leonie’s 14 proposals can only be achieved through self-organization, mobilizations, and strikes.
Do you want to get involved? Then join our campaign committees in Munich and Berlin. Meetings are held in German and English, and everyone is welcome! Discuss ideas, collect signatures, hand out flyers, and organize campaign events. Share our message on social media and with friends. Every contribution counts! Get in touch at or on Instagram.
Donate to amplify our campaign and spread Leonie’s message!
For a World Without Borders, War, and Exploitation!
Leonie is running in district 219 – Munich-West / Mitte – as part of a socialist electoral alliance. Inés Heider (Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg / Prenzlauer Berg Ost and Franziska Thomas (Berlin-Tempelhof-Schöneberg) are also running. Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg / Prenzlauer Berg Ost
This initiative was launched by the Revolutionary Internationalist Organization / Klasse Gegen Klasse and the Revolutionary Socialist Organization (RSO). We call on all anticapitalist and left-wing forces to support this campaign.
Further information about the campaign
Everything You Need to Know About Our Election Campaign
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