Stop the war credits! Together against the rearmament plans of CDU/CSU and SPD, and of the EU commission!

15.03.2025, Lesezeit 4 Min.
Foto: Ricarda Julia / KGK

Call for protest against the vote in the Bundestag on March 18th from 5 p.m.

The CDU/CSU and SPD (Grand Coalition) in the outgoing Bundestag (and future coalition of upcoming Bundestag led by Merz), plans to invest several 100€ billions in further weapon armament and to exclude armament from the debt brake – with no limit. At the European level, an additional 800€ billion are to be invested overnight in weapons and armament. Even the planned infrastructure special fund of 500€ billion will not flow into hospitals or schools, but into roads and railways, i.e. into the civilian war infrastructure. The gigantic rearmament project is to be rushed through the outgoing Bundestag by March 18, because the Grand Coalition will not have a super-majority in the new Bundestag.

By doing so, they are further intensifying the spiral of mutual armament, which will only lead to more war and destruction, in order to better position Europe under German leadership in the international competition. When politicians talk about defending freedom and security, they mean the freedom and security of corporations and banks to continue exploiting labor and resources around the world. The freedom and security of workers, young people and the poor are being neglected, both worldwide and in Germany itself.

While the stock prices of weapon manufacturers are skyrocketing, it is clear at whose expense the rearmament will be carried out. Young people are to be made “fit for war” and die as cannon-fodder on the battlefields. The future Merz government will enforce massive cuts in social services, education and health care to finance the rearmament, and increase the pressure to extend working hours and lower wages. To do this, it will rely on tougher repression and police violence, as well as attacking fundamental democratic rights such as the right to strike.

These plans must not go unanswered. In January, millions of people on the streets helped to prevent the CDU/CSU’s law to limit the influx of refugees. We need millions on the streets again to thwart the war plans of the black-red coalition and the EU Commission.

That is why we want to demonstrate in front of the Bundestag (Reichstagswiese/Platz der Republik) from 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, the day the planned vote on the amendment to the Basic Law is scheduled.

We also call on trade unions in particular to mobilize against the planned Bundestag vote and to link this to the current collective bargaining rounds. Because every extra euro spent on armaments paves the way for further attacks on our wages and working and living conditions. We say: Not one cent for their wars! Hundreds of billions for higher wages, social services, health and education instead of armament!

In order to provide a point of contact for all those who now want to organize and plan further actions against the armament plans and against the attacks of the coming Merz government, we also invite you to an Assembly against war and rearmament on Thursday, March 20, from 6 p.m. at FMP1 (Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, Seminarraum 1)


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