Gorillas Riders sue for permanent and continued employment

This is an invitation to Gorillas UNLIMITED court case. Date: Monday, September 20 at 10:00 AM Place: Arbeitsgericht (Labour Court) Berlin, Magdeburger Platz 1, 10785 Berlin
The majority of workers at Gorillas are on a one year ‚limited‘ contract. We have started to see our friends and colleagues‘ contracts not being renewed after one year, something also known as ‚cold firing‘. Besides losing their jobs, they are no longer entitled to maternity payments, support for chronic illness or injuries after work accidents and much more.
It is beneficial for the company as it means that once workers‘ 1-year contracts end, they can hire new workers that have to serve their 6 months probation (in which time they can be fired without reason). A continuous stream of new workers in probation prevents from organising for better working conditions, whereas more experienced workers are obliged to leave the job afer 1 year. This has a negative influence on the works council’s process at Gorillas. Electoral council representatives and potential workers‘ council candidates are at risk of being cold fired. The acquired knowledge of German labour law and build-up resistance to the exploitative policies at Gorillas is put in jeopardy by a simple termination
date on an invalid contract.
This is not fair, just or legal. Several workers have begun the legal process of challenging Gorillas in court. Gorillas claim that they „do not hire to fire“; therefore, this is their opportunity to prove this!
You are invited to join your friends and colleagues in support at Magdeburger Platz 1, 10785 Berlin on Monday, September 20 at 10:00 AM. Unlike the company, we are not doing this for profits or dominance. We believe in solidarity and mutual aid for a more humane workplace. That’s why we call out to you to stand with us that day!
Limited contracts do not only affect those actively taking Gorillas to court, but the entire workforce of Gorillas and by extension, the entire precarious delivery sector. If you are a Gorillas‘ worker who is interested in also gaining an unlimited contract, please fill out the form and submit the necessary documents at: https://kutt.it/GorillasUNLIMITED
Warmest wishes,
The 4 Gorillas facing court on 20/09
E-Mail: gorillasworkers@zohomail.com
Telegram: https://kutt.it/gorillas